Sunday, February 3, 2008

I Am Alive!

Judging by the number of comments on my roof repair effort (read that as “zero”) I would say that I could have died and nobody would notice. All right, some people would have deleted my blog address from their frequent re-visits after a while, and then go on with whatever they were doing. The thing is, I was up there being a fucking hero. You all go on with your lives feeling good or bad depending on what you encounter, but you just don’t see my peril. Or maybe you don’t give a shit. Yeah, that’s it. Because I don’t pose a challenge with respect to my relationship, I don’t exist. I am boring, as in “He has nothing to complain about. Why is he wasting bandwidth on the internet?”

I am alive and nobody cares.

Whew! That felt good.

Ok, I am over it now.

Well, not really. I will sulk for a while, so there!

If I don’t post for the next few hundred years somebody will comment on my blog saying, “Maybe we should have said something. Anything. Poor schmuck.”


Anonymous said...

Well ... I can assure you that you - and your posts - would be missed. Both me a gf are enjoying your blog very much and read it regularly. Good luck with everything.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you didn't fall off the roof.

Susan's Pet said...

Thanks guys,

Now I don't feel so alone.

whatevershesays said...

How about I buy you a drink....after you done with your roof.

Susan's Pet said...


I'll drink to that!

Pussywhipped Hubby said...

Glad you're ok. Your roof is looking fantastic.

helpmate hubby said...

i'll buy you one too, don't give up on us Susan's Pet. i really do like your blog and hope you will keep posting, everyday descriptions of the FLR lifestyle are the best!

Susan's Pet said...


Now I feel guilty for bitching (visualize me shuffling my right foot and looking down). Thanks, guys.

But I do take credit for the roof repair. We had about four inches or rain over the last two days. It appears that the leak, at least for now, is fixed! I may have a very cautious celebration.

Anonymous said...

i remember a quote once relayed to me. "If She doesn't find you handsome, She better find you handy." Good job on the roof!

Susan's Pet said...


It is a good thing to remember. In my case, handsome or not, she does grab a handle from time to time, as in, "she finds me handy". Those are some of my greatest thrills.

mistressusan said...

I have recreated a ditty in honor of my Pet's efforts...Up On The Roof.
He didn't appreciate it much at the time (being exhausted, filthy and out of sorts). I know just how to take care of those moods :)
I am about to post it at my own blog...