Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Service To Mistress Wife

Anniversary of our wedding

A couple of days prior we made plans to visit an arboretum that we both have enjoyed over many years. It is within a half hour of drive from where we live, costs a fair sum to enter, but once there, we enjoy it every time. The road out of town continually tends toward open space and high country. Once there, we are in a re-creation of varied strata of ecosystems relying on elevation, yet having commonality with respect to the latitude on our Earth. What I am saying is that desert cuts across the earth at latitudes of North America, Africa, and Australia, and we see it all in this wonderful pocket of created wilderness. Wonderful country with its thousands of flora, and some fauna.

On this day we already had plans that I implemented perfectly. All MW had to do was to prepare herself for the excursion. We were on time in attempt to avoid the late-rising tourists with their sneezing and coughing and wheelchairs. The time of the year being late fall allowed us to dress and enjoy the relative coolness. We visited several of our favorite places in the arboretum. After some three hours of joy we returned to our Beast to drive home.

At home we relaxed some, biding our time until going out again to enjoy our anniversary dinner. I made the reservation, we did what we had to with respect to pets and such, and we left.

The restaurant that we frequent is between ordinary and pretentious. We like it because of the atmosphere and reliability. The waiters and waitresses change over time, so we seldom encounter one with whom we bonded on the serving food level. Still, it is a rather nice place on which we can rely over the years.

MW always carries her new digital camera with her, so even though I thought of taking mine along, I figured it to be superfluous. Alas, as soon as we sat down at the table she asked me to take some pictures of us, but offered no camera. I have no use for excuses, so I did not offer one. I somewhat saved my ass from her wrath by whipping out my cell phone and taking a picture with it. She let me get away with my omission, maybe even approved of my improvisation.

I had two drinks, which is usually over my limit, but according to her, we were celebrating. The dinner was excellent as usual. Once we consumed the appetizer of fried zucchini, and had a bite of the dark bread with butter, the green salad that preceded the main course was more than I could take. I ate some because it was so good with the bleu-cheese dressing.

The arrival of the main course took a while, so we conversed pleasantly. We discussed my willingness to build an anniversary present for her out of wood and copper. It will be big, and will require wood finish, copper polish, and installation in the bedroom. I will report on it upon progress and completion.

We do the restaurant thing a couple times a month, but don’t always order that much food. The main course arrived. It was rib-eye steak with grilled potato slices, fried onion rings, and a mix of grilled vegetables. The amount of food looked like something that each of us would consume over two or three days for our main meals. Everything was perfect. I did have my Merlot with the meal, she her iced tea. We kept looking at each other waiting for the other to stop eating. Laughing about it, we decided to pack most of the food to go.

There was a dessert included with the meal, and we were not in a position to eat any of it, so it too, went into the doggie bag.

Just as we were about to leave, I mentioned to the waiter that this was our anniversary, and that I would like him to take our picture. He did, and then ran off to get us a complimentary dessert for our occasion. I was willing to just leave it, but MW could not allow herself to offend our waiter, so she insisted that we eat. We did, although did not finish the rich chocholate, vanilla ice cream, etc.

We got home a bit later than planned, and consumed some quantities of carbonated water (I do that when I over-eat). MW had a large cocoanut-cream pie defrosting all afternoon, which at this time seemed unappealing regardless of its otherwise yummy features. However, after a couple of hours she was ready for it. I magnanimously assented to having a thin slice of it. She gave me more than a thin slice, and I ate it happily. I had some wine with it.

The evening did not conclude as well as it could have under the circumstances. I passed out at a certain time, and she chose to do some work on her computer. When she came to bed she was still not sleepy enough, so she decided to read. That woke me, and I lay there with my eyes closed but unable to sleep. At some point I decided to leave the room to either do some work or sleep in the living room. She caught me and told me to go back to bed, which I did. Some time after that she turned off the lights and left. I slept alone.

I was up again before 3AM and went down to my weight room. With two cats assisting me I spent an hour pumping iron, after which I settled with my computer upstairs. I finally collected her from a bedroom in the basement after sunrise. As usual, we were happy to see each other. We had coffee on the front deck enjoying the newly cool weather. The rest of the day so far has been great. Nothing of sexual nature unless we count my fantasies, but a lovely breakfast which she prepared, my doing some chores, and working on odds and ends while bothering her with little things. I find it hard to stay away from her when she is around.

As she says, “We have been together for longer than we have lived.” We are each other’s support group. Of course, I always covet her delicious parts, too, which spices things up from time to time.

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