Friday, January 20, 2012

... Been There ...

Maybe I am just a bit too sensitive. Tell me. Have you heard someone say, “’Been there, done that?”

What does that mean?

Does that mean, “Ho hum, you aren’t telling me anything new here?”

Does that mean, “I’m with you, I’ve experienced it like you, but you’re boring me?”

Does that mean, “You schmuck, quit boring me with your drivel as if you ever had an original thought?”

Have you ever said “’Been there, done that?” and did not realize that you were insulting a person because of your repeating a common inane phrase without regard to its veracity or usefulness?


Another One said...

Unfortunately, I think it's because they are being rude! And they know it.

Susan's Pet said...

There have been times when I made a comment that at the time seemed witty or funny. Upon reflection I realized that it would have been better not to have said it. This may be that kind of comment.